5 Tips for MSPs When Dealing with Clients Wanting Discounts in 2024

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5 Tips for MSPs When Dealing with Clients Wanting Discounts

As an MSP, you are often faced with clients who want to negotiate on pricing. While it can be tempting to give in to their demands, it is not always the best decision for your business. In this article, we will provide you with 5 tips on how to deal with MSP clients wanting discounts.


As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), your goal is to provide your clients with the best possible service at a fair price. However, sometimes clients can be demanding, and they may want to negotiate on pricing. While it is important to maintain good relationships with your clients, it is also important to protect the profitability of your business. In this article, we will provide you with 5 tips on how to deal with MSP clients wanting discounts.

Tip 1: Set Clear Expectations

The first tip for dealing with MSP clients wanting discounts is to set clear expectations from the beginning. This means outlining your pricing structure and the services that you will provide. If a client asks for a discount, you can refer back to the initial agreement and explain that the pricing is fair for the services provided.

Tip 2: Demonstrate Value

One of the most effective ways to deal with MSP clients wanting discounts is to demonstrate the value that your services provide. This can be done by highlighting the benefits of your services, such as increased productivity and efficiency, reduced downtime, and improved security. By showing your clients the value that they are receiving, they will be less likely to push for discounts.

Tip 3: Be Willing to Negotiate

While it is important to maintain the profitability of your business, it is also important to be willing to negotiate with clients. If a client is requesting a discount, consider offering them a reduced rate for a longer-term contract or bundling services together. This shows that you are willing to work with them while still maintaining profitability.

Tip 4: Avoid Discounting Your Core Services

When negotiating with MSP clients, it is important to avoid discounting your core services. This includes services such as monitoring, maintenance, and support. By discounting these core services, you are devaluing the expertise and value that you provide to your clients. Instead, consider offering discounts on additional services or add-ons.

Tip 5: Highlight the Cost of Poor Documentation Strategy

Finally, when dealing with MSP clients wanting discounts, it is important to highlight the cost of poor documentation strategy. A poor documentation strategy can result in wasted time and resources, leading to increased costs for your business. On the other hand, a well-thought-out documentation strategy can save time and reduce errors, resulting in cost savings for your business.

ConnectWise Manage

ConnectWise Manage is a PSA (Professional Services Automation) application used for support desk functions, project management, and client information storage. By utilizing ConnectWise Manage, MSPs can streamline their workflows and provide their clients with more efficient service.

ConnectWise Automate

ConnectWise Automate is an RMM (Remote Management Monitoring) application used for managing remote client devices in a help desk environment. By using ConnectWise Automate, MSPs can proactively monitor and manage their clients' devices, reducing downtime and improving efficiency.

IT Glue

IT Glue is a class-leading documentation platform used by most Managed Service Providers. By utilizing IT Glue, MSPs can centralize their documentation and streamline their processes, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.


In conclusion, dealing with MSP clients who are constantly seeking discounts can be a daunting task. However, as a Managed Service Provider, it is crucial to stand firm and understand the true value that your services provide. By implementing the five tips outlined in this article, you can better navigate these situations and come out on top, with satisfied clients and a profitable business.

Additionally, it is important to recognize the critical role that documentation plays in the success of your MSP business. Utilizing a documentation platform like IT Glue and partnering with a documentation specialist like Optimized Documentation can help streamline your processes and save valuable time and resources. By focusing on effective documentation strategies, you can not only enhance the efficiency of your MSP services but also improve the overall satisfaction of your clients.

In the end, the key to success as an MSP is to prioritize the value of your services and maintain a strong focus on documentation. By doing so, you can build a thriving business that not only meets the needs of your clients but also sets you apart as a leader in the industry. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and we hope you find these tips and strategies helpful in your own MSP business endeavors.


  1. What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? A Managed Service Provider is a business that provides IT services and support to other businesses on a recurring basis, often on a subscription model.
  2. Why is documentation important for MSPs? Documentation is essential for MSPs to maintain an organized and efficient operation. It allows MSPs to keep track of client information, service agreements, and internal processes, leading to better service and increased profitability.
  3. How can IT Glue benefit my MSP business? IT Glue is a documentation platform designed specifically for MSPs. It provides a centralized location for storing client and internal information, automates the documentation process, and integrates with other MSP tools, making it an essential component for any successful MSP business.
  4. What services does Optimized Documentation provide for MSPs? Optimized Documentation specializes in helping MSPs improve their documentation strategies, from platform selection and implementation to ongoing support and training. Our goal is to help MSPs optimize their documentation processes, leading to greater efficiency and profitability.
  5. How can I learn more about Optimized Documentation and its services? Visit our website at optimizeddocumentation.com or contact us directly to learn more about how we can help improve your MSP's documentation strategies.


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